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Gender bias

Gender diversity is good for business. Research shows that companies that prioritise workforce gender diversity do better.

The UK’s world-leading event and exhibitions sector is big business: contributing £84 billion to the UK economy. There are an estimated 600,000 people directly employed in the industry – with a further 570,000 indirectly employed. Women make up around 60-80 per cent of the workforce.

But the sector is missing out on the proven financial, innovation and decision-making benefits of diverse leadership because it has an unusual gender imbalance. Unlike sectors such as technology, the sector has no problem with attracting women to the workforce. But the high level of women entering the sector is not reflected by board level representation.


It begs the question: what is happening along career paths to skew board level representation (20 per cent of seats held by women) so wildly from the entry level makeup (80 per cent of roles held by women)?

The UK Chapter of Women in Exhibitions was set up to redress the gender imbalance. It aims to inspire, empower and prepare women for leadership positions in the events and exhibitions sector, by supporting them at every stage of their career journey. It also works with organisations and the sector at large to create the conditions for women to thrive in the workplace.

Our members 

What Women in Exhibitions aim to achieve: 

Addressing the challenge:

Addressing the challenge:

the UK Chapter of Women in Exhibitions works with businesses and individuals to inspire, empower and prepare women for leadership positions in the events and exhibitions sector, by supporting them at every stage of their career.
Paving the way:

Paving the way:

from day one, everyone must have the opportunity to develop the skills for the top roles. Open to membership from businesses and individuals, Women in Exhibitions supports people to develop leaderships skills – tailored for the events and exhibitions industry – through a curated programme of events, training, and mentoring opportunities.
Change starts today:

Change starts today:

changing the shape of leadership is an industry challenge and change starts at the top. Today’s senior leaders are critical in making the shift, by fostering an inclusive workplace culture, investing the workforce, addressing unconscious bias, and tracking progress against targets.

Want to find out more?

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